• 10 Mar 2011

         The Church Council of the St. Aleksey Church from the Pohrebea village was established on 03.01.2011 by the decision of the General Assembly of Christians of Pohrebea village. It was decided that the Church Council would consist of 12 persons. The following people were proposed and selected through the open vote:

    1. Sevcenco Alexandru - President of public organisation „Memorie Generaţiilor”

    2. Anatolie Zolotcov - Deputy Minister of Construction and Regional Development

    3. Lesan Alexandru - Mayor, Cosnita village, Dubasari rayon

    4. Bondari Petru - Entrepreneur

    5. Dungher Gheorghe - Entrepreneur

    6. Osipov Ana - Pensioner

    7 . Zolotcov Petru - Entrepreneur

    8 . Darmancev Dumitru - Priest

    9 . Igor Prodan - Аrchitect

    10 . Cîntăbine Nicolae - Entrepreneur

    11 . Caftea Natalia - Bookkeeper

    12 . To be included in the Council’s composition at a later stage.

    Scopes of the Church Council:

    - Elaboration of the concept of reconstruction of the St. Aleksey church, Pohrebea village, Dubasari rayon;
    - Gathering of a maximally full information about the church history;
    - Fund raising for reconstruction of the St. Aleksey church;
    - Reconstruction of the St. Aleksey church, Pohrebea village, Dubasari rayon.

    The following Plan of Activities was approved at the 09.03.2011 sitting of the Church Council:

    Nr. Activity Responsible Terms of execution
    1 Gathering of information about the St. Aleksey church history Şevcenco Alexandru 3 months
    2 Creation and development of the site sobor.md Dungher Gheorge 4 months
    3 Evaluation and inventory of the church real estate Leşan Alexandru 3 months
    4 Checking of the church registration and transfer procedure from the Town Council balance to the  ecclesial community balance      Bondari Petru  

    6 months

    5 Technical expertise of the church Zolotcov Anatol 6 months
    6 Elaboration of design / project documentation Eremciuc Vasile

    Prodan Igor

    7 Organisation of a meeting with the Ambassador of Russia in Moldova Şevcenco Alexandru -
    8 Preparation of the church information bulletins Darmancev Dumitru -
    9 Inform the legatees of the Romanov family about the church situation, aiming at their involvement in the process of St. Aleksey church reconstruction Zolotcov Petru 2 months
    10 Organisation of a visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir to the St. Aleksey church Darmancev Dumitru -
    11 Organisation of the Church Council meetings when the need arises Bondari Petru -
    12 Inform the Pohrebea village dwellers about the Church Council activities Cîntăbine Nicolaie -
    13 Organisation of a meeting with the Ambassador of Germany in Moldova Zolotcov Petru -