• Dear friends, we encourage you to participate in the restoration of this unique cultural site, a monument to our heritage, the Church of Aleksey.

         This project gives all of us involved in the reconstruction a chance to feel like one people united by one cause. A group which will rebuild not only the Church of Aleksey, but also preserve our common past and create a prosperous future.

           Your donation will be reflected in the List of Contributors, which is posted on the bottom of this page

    Details for donations:

    Asociația Obștească «Memorie Generațiilor»
    c.f. 1010620008554,
    с/d 22511621622 la BC Moldova-Agroindbanc, filiala nr. 8
    or. Chişinau, codul băncii AGRNMD2X455

    Legal address:

    MD 2032, or. Chişinau, str. Burebista, 110, Moldova
    Tel. +373 22 557036, +373 69 123109, +373 79 001086

    Yours sincerely,

    President “Memorie Generatiilor”           A.Shevchenco


    List of Contributors

    №    ContributorsAmount (Lei)DateRegion
    1Dubrovskaia Tatiana65009.04.2014Russia,Moscow
    2Dunger Elena 20007.04.2014Moldova,Chisinau
    3Mihailiuk Alexandr90020.12.2012Moldova,Chisinau
    4Plua Tatiyana 80011.12.2011Moldova,Chisinau
    5Shevchenko Alexandr20008.04.2014Moldova.Chisinau
    6Doina Veaceslav20022.10.2015Moldova.Chisinau

    №    ContributorsAmount (Leu)DateRegion
    1Agat-D SRL50010.04.2012Moldova,Chisinau
    2AMMO SRL100012.11.2012Moldova,Chisinau